What are the opening times for Lloyd Park?

Check out our 'Opening Hours' page to find out more. 

Can I put up a tent, gazebos, furniture, bouncy castles etc

Waltham Forest Council doesn't allow event infrastructure (e.g. tents, gazebos, furniture, bouncy castles etc) or BBQs, at private parties within Lloyd Park. Park Keepers will ask people to take things down if they see any of these at the park.


Waltham Forest Council very much welcome people having small-scale family parties in Lloyd Park, but do need to ensure the safety of everyone, hence the requirement for no infrastructure.


For anyone wishing to have a large-scale private party, or a family party with infrastructure etc, this is something Waltham Forest Council have the capacity to facilitate and instead we encourage people to book the community room in the Aveling Centre for their parties etc: https://www.ledelicee17.co.uk/community-room